evoke /əˈvōk/ – to give rise to; draw forth; produce; to call to mind; to create anew, especially by means of the imagination.


evoke /əˈvōk/ – to give rise to; draw forth; produce; to call to mind; to create anew, especially by means of the imagination.

Bring Balance To You Your Life With Our Mind-Body Programs



BodyTalk is a healthcare therapy that helps to restore balance to the body, mind, emotions, and energy systems. This therapy helps to address the underlying causes of symptoms, which enables the body to heal the way it’s designed to. Whether your concerns have a physical, mental, or emotional basis , BodyTalk treatments can help!

Bodywork Treatments

Bodywork Treatments

This treatment boosts your energy level, corrects defects with your connective tissues, balances posture, and brings about greater ease of movement with less discomfort. We often have underlying physical and emotional holding patterns within the body, as a result of chronic stress, difficult experiences, or physical injury. Bodywork treatments use a combination of physical and energetic techniques to allow the body and mind to reset, alleviate symptoms, and restore natural function.

Custom Guided Meditation

Custom Guided Meditation

Custom guided meditations help you to utilize the power of the mind to work through issues and achieve your goals! The meditations are tailored specifically for your needs, and help to rewire the patterns in the mind that are keeping you stuck. These are also great to help you get to the next level of work or sports performance!


Lymphatic drainage

Lymphatic drainage

VMLD Lymphatic drainage treatments help to stimulate the natural lymphatic circulation in the body, and retrain the lymphatic system to maintain a proficient level of function. The lymphatic system is the natural cleansing system of the body, but can get stagnant for many reasons and can cause a whole host of symptoms! These treatments are a deep cleaning for the body on a physical, emotional, and energetic level!


Stress Relief Body Session

Stress Relief Body Session

These sessions apply unique techniques that ease the nervous system from strenuous physical holding patterns, targeting the specific areas under stress. This way, we can activate the body’s natural relaxation response and put a brake on stress.


Bring Balance To You Your Life With Our Mind-Body Programs



Body talk realigns communication channels with various body cells and systems, gently walking your body through restitution channels to restore its innate ability to heal itself. This treatment is an all-encompassing therapy and brings balance to every part of your body.


Bodywork Treatments

Bodywork Treatments

This treatment boosts your energy level, corrects defects with your connective tissues, balances posture, and brings about greater ease of movement with less discomfort. It increases your awareness, greatly improves circulation, and lets you experience healing on all levels – Emotional, Physical, and mental.


Custom Guided Meditation

Custom Guided Meditation

A Pure Custom mantra and meditation designed to adjust your energy and expose you to more lifestyle changes, goals, or personal changes. Relax, breathe, build up positive energy, build confidence, and take on the world!


Lymphatic drainage

Lymphatic drainage

This is a gentle, rhythmical massage therapy performed to stimulate proper lymph circulation around the body. This treatment greatly boosts your immune system and reduces the toxic content in circulation thereby rejuvenating your body and allowing you to relax more.


Stress Relief Body Session

Stress Relief Body Session

These sessions apply unique techniques that ease the nervous system from strenuous physical holding patterns, targeting the specific areas under stress. This way, we can activate the body’s natural relaxation response and put a brake on stress.


Call 306-783-1370 to Book and in-person session

The custom meditations and BodyTalk can also be done over the phone or Facetime/Skype, or recorded and sent to you for you to listen at your convenience

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